1303-Can’t create a TRIGGER from within another stored routine.
1251 - Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL
- 1826 - Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘XXX’
1833 - Cannot change column ‘XXX’: used in a foreign key constraint ‘XXX’ of table ‘XXX.XXX’
1442-Can’t update table ‘XXX’ in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement whi
1075- Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key.
3780 - Referencing column ‘XXX’ and referenced column ‘XXX’ in foreign key constraint ‘XXX’ are inco
1366 - Incorrect string value: ‘\xE4\xBA\xA4\xE6\xB5\x81…’ for column ‘XXX’ at row 1.
1415 - Not allowed to return a result set from a trigger