JavaScript 中布尔值的创建

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script>  	// Create a Boolean object using the new keyword and the Boolean() constructor. 	var myBoolean1 = new Boolean(false); // Using new keyword. 	console.log(typeof myBoolean1); // Logs 'object'.  	// Create a Boolean literal/primitive by directly using the number constructor without new. 	var myBoolean2 = Boolean(0); // Without new keyword. 	console.log(typeof myBoolean2); // Logs 'boolean'.  	// Create Boolean literal/primitive (constructor leveraged behind the scenes). 	var myBoolean3 = false; 	console.log(typeof myBoolean3); // Logs 'boolean'. 	console.log(myBoolean1, myBoolean2, myBoolean3); // Logs false false false.  </script></body></html>

